Monthly Archives: September 2011

Orange & Purple


So, it seems that every Saturday this fall I will either wear burnt orange or purple or both.  On this particular day, Mommy and Daddy had to go to a birth class (seems like they already passed that test) and so I got to hang out with David.  Daddy dressed me and Mommy’s team wasn’t playing.  So orange it was (yes, Gwen, I was VERY happy to be wearing burnt orange).  Here are a couple of pics.  Also, Daddy threw in a couple of extras while we were moving my room.

Now in fairness to David, we didn’t just go to Hooters.  We also went to the aquarium, and to get there I GOT TO RIDE THE TRAIN!  Oh, one more thing, I suggested Hooters to David, so I could watch football.



This is the guest appearance I promised you last post.  This is Buddy, his full name is Thumbbuddy, and he’s my little buddy (comforter).  He sleeps with me and helps keep me happy.

August Misc.


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My Daddy loves these misc. posts because he can combine all my little activities into one post instead of separate little posts.  I call it lazy.  Here are some of the things I’ve been doing since my last post.  Oh, and Daddy tells me we will have a special guest appearance in our next post.  (No, it’s not time for my little brother/sister yet.)